ATEE Spring Conference 2020-2021: Book of Abstract

Copertina del libro: Tecnologie per educatori socio-pedagocici. Metodi e strumenti.
Ranieri, M., Menichetti, L., Cuomo, S., Parmigiani, D, Pellegrini, M. (eds.,  2020). ATEE Spring Conference 2020-2021: Book of Abstract. Firenze:  Firenze University Press.

This book collects some of the works presented at ATEE Florence Spring Conference 2020-2021. The Conference, originally planned for May 2020, was forcefully postponed due to the dramatic insurgence of the pandemic. Despite the difficulties in this period, the Organising Committee decided anyway to keep it, although online and more than one year later, not to disperse the huge work of authors, mainly teachers, who had to face one of the hardest challenges in the last decades, in a historic period where the promotion of social justice and equal opportunities – through digital technologies and beyond – is a key factor for democratic citizenship in our societies. The Organising Committee, the University of Florence, and ATEE wish to warmly thank all the authors for their commitment and understanding, which ensured the success of the Conference. We hope this book could be, not only a witness of these pandemic times, but a hopeful sign for an equal and inclusive education in all countries.

Keywords: Teacher Education, Media literacy, Digital learning, Social Justice, Inclusion

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